Monday, October 21, 2013


1. Public opinion polls are beneficial in an election because they allow candidates to have a good feel on how they compare to their opponent. They can also be a burden though. Public opinion polls create stress in a politicians life because they are constantly concerned with whether they are leading or following in the election. The politician then focuses on less important things than the election itself. The politician will also change their views and beliefs in order to gain more popularity in an election.

2. The effect of political ideology on public opinion in America is to group people by their beliefs, morals and values. By creating two drastically different sides, people are forced to choose a side and defend it. Political ideology also helps young adults, who are new to politics, choose a side and make a difference in society by voting, Not many people (about 12%) can think in ideological terms. This representation of ideologues is directly dependent on how the questions are worded and presented. Overall, liberal and conservative views are less important than the candidate themselves.

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