Sunday, June 1, 2014

Amendment Blog Post

22nd Amendment: 

Limits the number of times that a person can be elected president: a person cannot be elected president more than twice, and a person who has served more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected cannot be elected more than once.

Date Ratified: February 27th, 1951 

I think this amendment is important because it keeps the United States from having a monarchial ruler. As the US has grown and changed we have strayed away from having one complete ruler. We claim to have a democracy which allows our country to have input and control from the people. I believe that two four year terms are a perfect amount of time. It allows the people to see if they like the changes made by the elected president and decide if they want to reelect them. If the same president is reelected for a second term then those who did not vote for that candidate can look forward to the next election. It keeps people involved in the voting process and looking forward to the future. 

Optional Blog Post - The Vaccine War

McCarthy, Jenny, J.B. Handley, Jennifer Margulis, Dr. Paul Offit, and Anders Hviid. "The Vaccine War." PBS. PBS, 27 Apr. 2010. Web. 31 May 2014. <>.

As the popularity of giving infants vaccines shortly after birth has risen in our society, so has the controversy over this issue. This controversy has been the response of parents theorizing that the onset of their child's disabilities, both mental and physical, was caused by the vaccines they received as infants/toddlers. Celebrities such as Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carry have personally experienced this with their own children and have grown to the be face of this growing movement. They have spread the awareness of this issue to the public and changed the minds of many parents who now refuse to give these vaccines to their children. But with this new refusal to receive the vaccine, other parents have shown a concern in these kids contracting serious diseases and causing an outbreak. Because these new vaccines have only become popular recently, many adults have not received them, leaving these adults defenseless against many diseases. As a result of this new uprise, many experiments and tests have been performed to find results whether or not the vaccines are actually causing disabilities. But because these tests have not produced reliable results, this issue continues to be explored. The Vaccine War is a large movement which will continue to grow until answers are found and it can be proved that vaccines are not affecting the development of children. 

Smith , Michael J. , and Charles R. Woods . "On-time Vaccine Receipt in the First Year Does Not Adversely Affect Neuropsychological Outcomes." On-time Vaccine Receipt in the First Year Does Not Adversely Affect Neuropsychological Outcomes. American Academy of Pediatrics , 5 Feb. 2010. Web. 31 May 2014. <>.

This article describes the outcome of an experiment testing the difference in kids ages 7-10, comparing those who received a vaccine and those who opted out of receiving the vaccine. They had a total of 30 test participants, 15 who had received the vaccine and 15 who has postponed or not received the vaccine. The experiment concludes that the 15 children who had received the vaccine performed better at age 7-10 in all 15 cases than the children who refused the vaccine. These vaccines were given within the first 7 months of life. Each vaccine given to the children were received within 30 days of the recommended age. This test was performed by contracting regression models to show the variances in age and progression. A secondary analysis was performed to examine the children with the highest and the lowest vaccine exposures during the first 7 months of life. Although the delayed recipient of the vaccine did not show any signs of autism there were also no statistically significant differences favoring the less vaccinated children. This experiment concluded that timely vaccination during infancy has no adverse effect on neuropsychological outcomes 7 to 10 years later. This data was collected hopping to reassure parents that believe that children receive too many vaccines too early in life. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Earth Day

Part 1:  Bibliographic annotation for.

American Masters, A fierce Green fire.  Use the internet, and cite the source.  Summarize. In a paragraph format.  MLA format, but you don't have to reverse indent if you don't like.

Part 2:  2 more sources about some aspect of the Environmental movement that 'speaks to you.'  This could be managing fisheries for recreation, saving the whales, etc., clean air, clean water, solar power, nuclear power, clean coal.  I don't really care, but don't be contrarian for contrarians sake.  Look for something good about the Planet,  and dig in. 

Cite the sources, summarize, in MLA format.

Write a statement of purpose about what you would like to see done about the issue you have researched, and WHY.

Part 1:
American Masters, A fierce Green fire.

Kitchell , Mark. "Watch film: A Fierce Green Fire." PBS. PBS, 22 Apr. 2014. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. <>.

This article by Mark Kitchell covers environmental factors such as The Conservation Movement, Pollution and Cleanup, Greenpeace, Global Resources, and Climate Change. This video covers each of these topics in Acts I-V, describing how they have contributed to where the world stands in environmental conservation today. This video covers the span of 50 years from the first environmental activism events beginning in the 1960's to present day occurrences. Throughout the video multiple narrators such as Robert Redford, Meryl Streep, Ashley Judd, Van Jones, and Isabel Allende discuss topics such as the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Sea Shepard, and the Amazon Rainforest. This film was actually inspired by a book by the same title written by Phillip Shabecoff, an environmental journalist. Overall, this article is a great source of information on how people are reacting and have been reacting to pollution in our environment. 

Part 2:

Vidal, John. "This could be the year we start to save, not slaughter, the shark." The Observer. Guardian News and Media, 12 Jan. 2014. Web. 3 May 2014. <>.

This article explains recent reactions to the gruesome act of shark finning. As shark finning has grown in awareness, many countries such as China, Europe and the US has taken actions as to banning the finning of sharks and the production of shark fin soup. What many people did not know a couple years ago is the large affect that sharks have on the environment. Being top down predators, sharks directly affect the food chain and all other organisms in the ocean. With the decline in the shark count, researchers have found that other ocean animals would most likely follow. In the past China had not been a fan of the idea of banning their delicate shark fin soup. Recently, world renowned basketball player, Yao Ming, showed his support for the cause and told the public that "when the buying stops, the killing can too." Along with efforts such as these are the developing of marine reserves and sanctuaries around the world. Some of these places specifically include locations in Great Britain, the Maldives, Mexico and Honduras. As China has recently stepped up to join the campaigning against shark finning, a realization has occurred that China may be the first big step towards reducing problems with climate change, overfishing, pollution, and conservation. 

I believe that the banning of shark finning should be a main priority among all countries. This is a situation that will greatly impact the future of every country and we need to take advantage of it now. I am very happy to hear that China is beginning to realize that the rapid decline in the shark population is not healthy to our ecosystems but I wish that this would be taken into account in other countries as well. 

Innis , Michelle . "Australian Catch-and-Kill Shark Policy, Meant to Reassure, Horrifies Some ." The New York Times 3 Feb. 2014: A8. Print.

This article tells about a recent law put in place in Western Australia called "catch-and-kill." Over the past three years there have been 7 fatal shark attacks and the Australian government felt that something needed to be done about it. Although the government expected to have a positive reaction from beach goers and other water activity lovers, many conservationists have a negative response to the new law. As sharks have been in decline of the past years, many do not realize the serious affect that the rapid decline in population has on the ecosystem. The law specifically targets the larger sharks that can be found in Australian waters such as the bull shark, the tiger shark and the white shark. In the past long nets have been set up along popular beaches, protecting swimmers from the harm of sharks. These nets have had a controversial response though because they often catch other smaller marine organisms. This situation continues to be debated because the government feels the safety of the public is their greatest priority. 

I feel that no shark should ever be killed for any reason. As human beings we take risks by putting ourselves in harmful situations and any activity that takes place in or around the ocean is risky. We have to accept that anything can happen while in the ocean whether its natural disaster related or a natural predator instinct. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Oil Spill - Annotated Bibliography

The Spill. Perf. Martin Smith and Abrahm Lustgarten. PBS, 2010. Frontline.

Granatstein, Solly, and Graham Messick. "Blowout: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 16 May 2010. Web. 14 Mar. 2014. <>.

This article tells the story of the multiple BP oil mishaps that have occurred over the past few years. This article/video is titled "The Deepwater Horizon Disaster" because Mike Williams, a worker at BP, tells his story of the event. He tells how the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon had been building for multiple weeks. Williams reports that weeks before the explosion a very valuable piece of equipment was damaged but no one took any initiative to fix the problem. This problem was simply over looked and had a much larger effect than anyone thought it would. After the disaster, the company had decided to close the well and reopen it later when a new rig was put in place. More investigation was done by multiple sources finding many flaws and mistakes that BP had failed to record. This story was covered mainly to show the safety issues with many companies. Companies do not always take the safety of their workers into account and most companies that do this go unnoticed until a large disaster such as the Deepwater Horizon occurs. 

"The World's 25 Biggest Oil Companies ." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2014. <>.

This article in Forbes Magazine covers the 25 biggest oil companies existing today. These oil campaniles are distributed around the world in places including Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, China, the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska's Chuckchi Sea, Mexico, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Iraq, Qatar, Italy, Norway, Venezuela, Nigeria, Malaysia and many other offshore locations. This article lists the 25 largest in order and gives information such as who is in charge of the Organization and where their largest oil drilling sights are. While reading through this article one will find that many of the oil companies drill in the same locations. The most poplar is found to be Saudi Arabia. More than 70% of oil companies are controlled and owned by kings and potentants. Some oil companies are also controlled by democratically elected governments such as Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Norway. This article also highlights the influence that Russian President Vladimir Putin has on the oil industry. 

Essay 19

(1999_1)In the 1990’s presidential election campaigns have become more candidate centered and less focused on issues and party labels. The change has been attributed both to how the media covers presidential campaigns and to how candidates use the media. Identify and explain two ways in which the media have contributed to candidate-centered presidential campaigns. Identify and explain two ways in which presidential candidates’ use of the media has contributed to candidate-centered campaigns.

Your answer should not include a discussion of presidential primary elections.

Identify and explain two ways in which the media have contributed to candidate-centered presidential campaigns.
1. The media has contributed to candidate-centered presidential campaigns by focusing on every aspect of the candidates life. Appearance has become a much larger issue in presidential elections recently. Candidates must be careful that they are always behaving well and looking nice because paparazzi is everywhere. If they are not living up to their standards, the media will make sure that everyone knows about it and will affect how voters view them. 

2. Another way that the media has contributed to candidate-centered presidential campaigns is with publicity funds. The more the media covers presidential elections the more willing the public is to donate to the campaign. 

Identify and explain two ways in which presidential candidates’ use of the media has contributed to candidate-centered campaigns.

1. Presidential candidates use the media to have their opinions heard. Candidates can use media to create advertisements supporting their specific issues and polices. They also use media to cover press conferences and large debates. This is a great way that candidates gain more support from the public. 

2. Another way that presidential candidates use the media is to criticize their opponents. In certain advertisements, candidates will attack their opponent's personality, record and opinion. This technique is also known as negative campaigning. There are two main ways that negative campaigning is used: attack and contrast. Attacking is simply criticizing their opponents every action. Contrasting is slightly different in the way that it make the featured opponent more desirable. While putting down the opponent the other candidate is showing their own more favorable aspects. 

Essay 20

(1999_2)National interest groups often target national-level policymaking institutions to achieve their policy objectives.

Select one of the following national interest groups.
- AMA (American Medical Association)
- NAM (national assoc. of Manufacturers)

For the group you selected do each of the following.

- a identify one major national-level policymaking institution that this group targets.
The AARP targets the Senate and Congress. Retired people wants retirement benefits that they have been promised under the system. They feel that they haves paid enough throughout their life that they deserve such benefits when they retire such as medicare and medicaid. The AARP targets both the Senate and Congress because they are the ones who will pass the laws directly affecting retired people. 

- b describe one resource or characteristic of the group you have chosen and explain how it influences the choice of the target you have identified in (a)
One characteristic of the AARP is that it is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over. Because they acquire membership from people 50 and over, most people are willing to donate money to the cause and influence elected officials to promote causes or issues that specifically benefit people 50 and over. AARP members know that they only way they will get laws passed is by directly targeting to Senate and Congress. 

- c describe another resource or characteristic of the group you have chosen and explain how it influences the choice of the target you have identified in (a).
AARp members are retired and have lots of spare time on their hands. Along with money they also have time. This free time allows them to coordinate events, lobby for their cause, and focus financially on the cause. By lobbying, retired people are ensuring that they are seen by the public. Their issues are then directly being dealt with by the Senate and Congress who will pass these laws for them. 

Essay 18

The federal bureaucracy as part of the executive branch exercises substantial independence in implementing governmental policies and programs. Most workers in the federal bureaucracy are civil-service employees who are organized under a merit system. 

(a) Describe one key characteristic of the merit system.

One key characteristic of the merit system is that it hires government employees based on their abilities and not on their political connections. All applicants are required to take a standardized test determining their competency. 

(b) For each of the following, describe one factor that contributes to bureaucratic independence. 

The structure of the federal bureaucracy: In each organization their is bureaucratic independence. An example of an organization is the FBI. This organization has a hierarchy of power. At the top of the group is director who is in charge of everyone down to the field agents. Every organization has these levels of power which contribute to the bureaucracy. Each organization is independent but has different levels of superiority. 

The complexity of the public policy problems: A few factors that contribute to bureaucratic independence relating to the complexity of the public are specialized units/expertise, delegated authority and discretionary authority. Delegated authority complicates public policy problems because congress and the president cannot handle all issues. Instead they delegate authority to the bureaucracy. Discretionary authority causes public policy problems because legislation lacks detail. This then causes the bureaucracy to fill in the gaps. 

(c) For each of the following, explain one Constitutional provision that it can use to check the bureaucracy. 

Congress can use appropriations to check the bureaucracy. This method allows Congress to reward or punish certain agencies such as the FBI or the Drug Enforcement Administration. Congress can also pass legislation to check the bureaucracy. The largest way that Congress can affect bureaucracies though are by impeaching executive officials. 
The courts use judicial review to declare bureaucratic actions unconstitutional. They can also make injunctions against federal agencies. 
Interest groups check the power of bureaucracy by creating a false sense of urgency on a specific topic. They closely monitor their publicity and make sure that they use their freedom of speech in their media to change their follows beliefs and petition the government.